For a couple of months now, I've been enjoying Fefe Dobson's current hit single "Take Me Away" on MTV Hits, where it's playing nearly as often as "Hey Ya." Totally kick-ass song, what Avril was supposed to sound like but doesn't really, and basically a glossier version of the Audities-beloved tough-girl-rockers Damone. So anyway, last week I was in Newbury Comics and I saw Fefe Dobson's self-titled debut for the reasonable new artist price of $7.99. Since "Take Me Away" alone is woth eight bucks, I snapped it up, and as it happens, the album as a whole is good to great. The downright punky "Stupid Little Love Song" in particular kicks as much ass as "Take Me Away." But as I was looking at the liner notes, I kept seeing the names Jay Levine and James Bryan McCollum: they produced the album, wrote all the songs with Dobson and played almost all of the instruments. I kept thinking, "Gee, those names sound familiar," until the penny dropped that Fefe Dobson is Canadian. I pulled out a CD and sure enough: Levine and McCollum were my beloved Prozzak (known as Simon and Milo for their abortive attempt at a US breakthrough). No wonder I like that song so much. Anyway, if anyone's been wondering what happened to Prozzak, now you know. S