Lee Elliott said the following on 2/20/2004 12:34 PM: > Has anyone here thrown away their jewel cases for an alternative? I'm half afraid to post this, but ... yeah, I've got two JVC 200 disc mega changers daisy-chained together. Once I bring a cd home and take it out of the jewel case, it only gets touched again if I have to later move it from it's original assigned slot. The u-cards go into a JVC-supplied "album" with numbers that correspond to the slots on each "pane". I made a little wooden black box to hold the liner notes, with little dividers to keep 'em organized alphabetically. Once upon a time, long ago when I was a bit more, uh, flush, I either repaired, or got rid of and replaced, every cd I own that had even a single "fatal" scratch (there really weren't many at all. Fewer than I would have thought). Obviously, I guess, I don't loan my cd's out very often. Besides my photo albums, they are my greatest treasures (I don't have kids or any pets right now!). I'd rather burn a copy for someone than lend one out. There is a down side to this: The player loads and reads the cd's VERTICALLY, they don't "lay down" in the tray with gravity like in most cd players. I have noticed that the player is not quite as accurate as it could be when the discs are less than perfect. Dirty, scratched discs might play in my pc's cd burner, for instance (or in the car), but they may skip a bit in the mega-changer. It handles light scratches, scuffs and fingerprints just fine. **Has anyone else had this problem and do you think I am diagnosing it properly in the first place?** Not like it's a big problem, but I have had to burn copies of a few used cd's that wouldn't play in the changer and retire the originals. The carefully burned dupes work great. Okay, this has been my longest-winded post in my short newbie existence, fueled almost entirely by the DayQuil I took this afternoon. Wave 2 of winter illness has struck Rehoboth Beach and we're dropping like flies. Over and most definitely Out. Jeff T. Delaware NP: Pernice Brothers "World Won't End". I can't help myself. My gosh, the man rhymes "burgeoning" with "turning"!