Howdy... I've been really digging some older Alt. Christian stuff by Daniel Amos. They were sorta alt-country with pop overtones in their earliest stages, but after "Horrendous Disc" in '80 they went progressive/pop-psych. About 2 years later they kicked it into a crazy new wave groove, still poppy...kinda Devo meets Wall of Voodoo but with lotsa harmonies and incredibly biting, sarcastic lyrics. This was the start of a concept quadrillogy that I've got 3 parts of and cannot find, nor, wanna spend the rediculous amount I've seen asked for the fourth. The first one I'm looking for is called "Fearful Symmetry" '86,(LP, or reissued but OOP CD, or copy thereof.) Also, looking for "Big Bite, Darn Floor",'87, by Daniel Amos, which is the album after F.S. Thanks in advance! later, joe ps. Found a copy of "The Queen Symphony" for $3 at yea.