In a message dated 2/20/2004 5:01:59 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: <> Shockingly, yes, but this paragraph disturbed me: "Music stores used to be magical places offering wide variety. Today the three largest music retailers are Best Buy, Wal-Mart and Target. In those stores shelf space is limited, making it harder for new artists to emerge. Even established artists are troubled by stores using music as a loss leader. Smaller, more personalized record stores are closing all over the country -- some because of rampant P2P piracy but many others because of competition from department stores that traditionally have no connection whatsoever with artists." Interesting words coming from the mouth of a man whose band offered a Best Buy EXCLUSIVE, effectively edging out those "smaller, more personalized record stores". Don Henley's entire argument collapses like a house of cards because of this, sadly... he's lured by money just as much as the labels he's complaining about. --Jason