Local store FANTASTIC RECORDS, closing after 22 years as an independent store. Goddamn. They're selling everything at a discount, even the fixtures. Was on (a long) line today when the owner walked in, looked at the line and slowly lowered his head and I knew EXACTLY what he was thinking..."if only the store was this crowded ONCE a week..." It used to be. They cited a combination of things - cd burning, downloading and the rock-bottom prices given to the major chains (Bruce will nod at this one) - for the need to close down. I'm bummed - although I spend more at Record Archive (a local 2-store chain that's in business 30 years or so), I was in Fantastic twice a month for years. Dropped a serious chunk of change today - part of me felt supportive and part of me felt like a vulture. I know the people at Record Archive have had to weather some changes to survive, like carrying more used and less new product, dumping their videos and selling used DVDs. They also sell oddball stuff - clothing, furniture, even an old Stingray bike on occasion - but that's to a small select group of customers and only done because it's a fetish of the owner. I just hope they hang on, because a city this size limited to Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Circuit City is going to be a tough place to live in otherwise. I know it's not a unique story...just had to vent. RIP, Fantastic. b