after watching AMERICAN SPLENDOR on DVD and absolutely loving it, as per my m.o., i checked out the special features and was pleasantly surprised to find that you, mr. mirsky, were the composer of that nifty cut from the film. surprised? yeah, well i bought "was it something i said?" (title?) played it once, and shelved it (didn't sell it thinking i might like it later.) guess i shouldn't of been surprised because i loved the cut in that other great flick, TOA OF STEVE. hmmmm. so, do you save your good tunes for film? i guess this is a backhanded compliment, huh? take this from a guy who actually enjoys listening to natalie merchant. -jeff np: natalie merchant - motherland Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2004 15:12:33 -0500 From: "Eytan Mirsky" To: Subject: Grammys Message-ID: That funk extravaganza sounded good on paper, but in practice the singing was so awful I had to turn the channel. Earth Wind and Fire started out all right, but then couldn't do the falsetto parts. And when P-funk started their thang you had about 30 people singing out of tune and also seemingly not knowing what song they were supposed to be doing. -Jeff