Hello Aud Ones, Earlier today I cut, pasted and forwarded (off-list) a post from Bryan about the Cheap Trick song "He's A Whore" and the origins of the song, cuz I knew my friend Roger would just love to read it. Roger Hillis is, as you might guess or may already know, Cliff's "big" brother (and Beth's brother-in-law!). He's a reporter and columnist for the Delaware Coast Press here at the beach. He knows the guys in Cheap Trick, having interviewed, hung out with and see them live many times. To say he's a big fan would still be doing him a great disservice. He told me to feel free and post his reply / addition, that he sent in response to my original forward (what?). So, here 'tis: Robin Zander was a full-time solo acoustic folkie at a resort in Milwaukee or Wisconsin, in fact Cheap Trick had a different singer before him and waited quite a long time for Zander's contract to be up so he could join them without being sued. "He's a Whore" was supposedly inspired by Ken Adamany, who managed them for more than 20 years (although it morphed into the gigolo theme). Then 20 years later when they took Adamany to court for allegedly dipping his hand into the cookie jar, Nielson wrote a song called "You Let A Lot of People Down" on the 1997 self-titled album. Although depending on what day you catch him on, Nielson will say it was written about Robert MacNamara (sp.?) and Vietnam - Roger Hillis via Jeff T. Delaware NP: I finally own "The World Won't End" (thanks to Gary's swearing eternal love for and allegiance to the record), and I cannot stop listening to it. I've yet to play an official inning or even have my first official at-bat here in Auditees Park, but I *am* finally in a borrowed uniform, walking toward the stadium from the players parking lot. I think I'm the player to be named later from the 2001 draft.) P.S. Please excuse Jeff's dripping sarcasm from last weeks Darkness post. He was ill that day and we couldn't let him come to school and infect the other auditeers. Love, Jeffs Mom