Prine - I need to buy a greatest hits album If he'd do an album with her, I'd buy it. Beatles tribute #1 - OK Dan I'll say it - Sting was the best part of this. Messed up a bass line, though. Christina - may actually be able to sing. Get her hooked on smack and fronting a punk band and there may be potential. White stripes - looked great, but I still don't get it. Mcbride - pap. I was ready to sob even before she opened her mouth - I knew it would be one of those songs. Nice voice in search of better material. Timberlake - should have simply said "I'm not worthy" and walked off the stage. RIP George and Warren. Alicia - didn't make me want to go out and buy it, but not bad. Celine - thankfully I was reading "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" to my oldest daughter in her room when this came on. Sting - tolerable. Sounded to me like he dropped it a few keys to get in the high notes. Was he wearing his bathrobe?