Wow, this seems to be happening a lot lately. a slightly edited version of an e-mail they sent out: **************************************************** Hi Everyone... This one is gonna be brief.... I'm in the lobby of a motel in Lebanon, Missouri.... and it smells wierd.... So.... The last month has been outrageously strange.... In San Francisco we had our trailer stolen from us with everything that we own.... every guitar, every amp, every drum....... hmm... that was unexpected..... and quite crappy.... In Hollywood we filmed a video for "I Was on The Moon"..... which is going to be quite amazing when it is done..... Now we are driving from California to Washington D.C. straight in 3 days..... and the heater in our van is broken.... so it has been quite cold..... ok.... well... anyways... really I just wanted to tell all the Boston people that: WE ARE PLAYING THE DOWNSTAIRS MIDDLE EAST ON VALENTINE'S DAY NIGHT!!!! come give us some extra lovin' and watch us play on all borrowed equiptment! we'll be playing a few new songs and then will be having a sweetheart party after the show for everyone..... MAKE SURE TO GET THERE EARLY BECAUSE "THE SELF-RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS" ARE OPENING THE SHOW AND THEY ARE AMAZING AND OUR BEST FRIENDS..... ALSO LAKE TROUT IS PLAYING... AND THEY ARE MORE AMAZING FRIENDS OF OURS..... look to our web site in the next week... for better stories, better photos, and some new audio.... we are also playing THE BLACK CAT in WASHINGTON DC this thursday (the 12th) come to that! we also lost all of our mailing lists from our last few tours (they were in the stolen trailer)... so if you know anyone that wants to be on our mailing list.... tell them to go to our web site and sign up again... __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.