Regarding Cheap Trick Gary Littleton wrote: >Cheap Trick just need to pick a few Shazam >songs to cover on their next album. Wow - that would be just incredible! I would love to hear Cheap Trick do an album of covers of songs by the new wave of Trick inspired bands. I can totally hear them putting their stamp on songs by the Shazam, Szuters, Arlo, etc. Hell, their are a few Sloan songs that could be thunderous in Cheap Tricks hands. I'd love to hear them dig into Myracle Brah's "Orange Shirt". I was pretty disappointed by the last album, but they have obviously been rejuvenated in past five years or so, but their writing doesn't seem to be keeping up with their drive to rock again. And I'm not sure who I'd wish to produce such an effort, but I think they could benefit from a young upstart behind the console. Sleep Cheap Dale np: Pillbugs loyal cover of the Monkee's "Star Collector" from their website