Has anyone considered the fact that maybe us "Yanks" (and I'm sorry, but I personally find that a very offensive term) DO get it and that's why we don't like it? Maybe the rest of you out there are the one's that don't get it and that's why you think it's cool. Personally, I do get it, and I'm not the least bit amused or impressed. There's much better stuff than the Darkness for me to spend my money on and telling me that I just don't get it is just a case of the emperor's new clothes. Sorry to tell you, but I get it perfectly clear and that's why I don't like it and aren't buying it. But then, isn't the difference of opinion in musical taste respected anymore? Why do I (or we) have to "get it" at all? Isn't saying that us "yanks" just don't get it a way of ignoring the issue of taste and quality and simply making an emotional argument of "if you don't like what I like then you're not smart enough to know what to like" ??? Should I throw out a list of every band that I do like so that you can all judge my intelligence level (or that of my entire country) based on what music I "get" ? Or for that matter, should I throw out a list of every band that I do like and insult all of your countrymen and women if you don't like what I so obviously "get" but find you too dim to "get" ? I used to like Audities because it presented me with alternatives to the general crap on the radio. But to find my inbox filled with messages with the subject line of "Americans just don't get it" and messages like "Darkness rule, not an opinion, just fact" is what I'd expect from an AOL message board, not from what used to be an intelligent mailing list where discussion of the merits of a particular act didn't have to degrade to insulting everyone of a specific nationality because some people don't like a particular band. Give me a break folks! I seriously doubt this particular band takes themselves anywhere near as seriously as some of the people on this list are, and to think that something like this band's latest US single/video heralds the future of all things "great" in music is as incredibly stupid to me as my not liking them apparently is to some of you. And to say that not liking a band because the singer's voice is annoying compares to not liking them because their jumpsuit is the wrong color is ridiculous. You listen to music you like because you enjoy it, not because it's annoying. If you find a singer's voice annoying, listening to them intentionally would be what some people would consider a sign of insanity. If this were a fashion show and you found the color of a particular piece of clothing annoying, and therefore didn't like the piece, would I be right to say that not liking an outfit because of it's color is like saying you don't like the outfit because the model's voice is annoying? Then why make a statement like that with the two points reversed? If I'm over reacting here and have missed the joke in these messages, then I apologize right now. But I don't think I've missed anything here (and I didn't miss the joke in Darkness's recordings either, I just don't find it very amusing). Besides, I've had my happy pills today, so it's not like I'm in a bad mood or anything...... :-) Can we get back to a more rational discussion about music? Even if it's about the relative merits or lack thereof in the music of a certain band named Darkness, at least let's bring it back to rational discussion here folks. ---- Dave Bradley web-accessed mail (most likely checking this from work)