I will second Bob "those aren't pillows!" Hutton's praise of the Boss Martians. The album came in at #19 on my 2003 list, but today it would most likely scoot up a few places. I'll agree with the Ramones comparison, and I never would have thought of the Jags, but that's a great call. More than Elvis Costello I'd go with a punkier Graham parker in vocal delivery and style. And as good as the record is - live they're even better. They opened for the Shazam in Chicago and they just kicked my ass. It's not something I'd expect the girls to like, but if you want a band that has a lot of oomph behind killer power pop hooks the Boss Martians are the band for you. Dale np: a mix disc from a friend of all Beach Boys sounding songs (including the Osmonds, Honeyrider, Move, Linus of Hollywood, etc) that is perfect for this wintery Midwestern since I just shoveled the driveway. PS - Yes, I was kidding about the girls line - girls would like them too. Just not short girls. >Anyone else out there got the new Boss Martians album, >kinda like Ramones crossed with early Costello/Jags >(maybe also reminds me slightly of the Montgomery Cliffs) >- it's really rather good.