All this "has rock songwriting reached a creative dead end" theorizing reminds me of a saying I recently read, attributed to guitar god (and ace popsmith) Steve Lukather: "Do you wanna be a rockstar for five years, or a musician for the rest of your life?" That pretty much sums it all up for me. Those who fall into the former camp are largely responsible for the musical stool samples we call "popular music" today; those who fall into the latter camp always have and always will continue to find new ways of musical expression, pushing the development of "rock" music forward along with their uniquely singular visions. It's up to the listeners to decide which path they're going to follow, nurture and support. As far as rock music is concerned, all I have to do is listen to some Jughead, Derek Sherinian, Mike Keneally, Dream Theater or even Foo Fighters to know and understand that rock is most certainly NOT dead. Trends will come (garage) and trends will go (nu-metal) but great music has and will continue to be created; just don't expect to find it in the realm of popular culture. Speaking of Hocus Pocus, I'm overcome with emotion at the memory of watching Gladhands *nail* an amazing cover version at the Troubador during IPO 1999. What a great band. kErrY kOMpOsT (band) (weekly message) (demos) __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.