after all this stuff here - you may want to check out this week's Billboard magazine.... nice little article on The darkness and how it's even surprising the label itself.... even they admit it's one of those you either like it or you don't things.... i saw them on TV on that Brit awards show a few months back and i think i liked it - once i figured it out.... it's a novelty but from what i can see, working with 20 somethings.... there is a real interest right now in "cheese" metal and all that spandex rock from the 70s and even 80s.... MTV and MUCHMUSIC suddenly getting big numbers for their revived metal shows... TOPIC: is The Darkness the new "lounge" which will then morph into the new "swing" I don't know but I think you, jaimie vernon, are poised to make a big killing on your catalog of Killer Dwarfs, Goddo, Moxy, etc.... (dramatic deep voice) their time has come! (flashpod!!!) When i worked with metal bands in the 80s - I always had a lot of fun and humour was always a BIG component of the genre... they were less hassle to work with than the alternative "artistes" of the day... and really, at the core, some of that 70s pop metal is great pop in line with early Sweet et al... Ralph still plugging my ebay store (sorry, no metal for sale)- new items daily Dig that crazy Bongo Beat! Visit my web site Http://