You hit it square on the head for me. The singing is AWFUL. I like the music (and I must admit I do hold a small place in my heart for 80s hair metal), the singing ruins it for me entirely. --- On Sun 02/01, Jaimie Vernon < > wrote:I think America, and Canada by default, are not warming up to the Darkness because they....well...blow. Put as much retro guitar/glam flashback or Spinal Tapian logic on it you want, but the bottom line is the singing kills it. Same reason our very own Tragically Hip have never caught on in the US...who the hell wants to listen to an album (and in the Hip's case -- 8 albums) of some guy attempting to find the key of the song. The band might rock, but listening to a cat get skinned alive for 45 minutes leads to a certain disenfranchisement. Of course, I've been wrong before (White Stripes anyone?) _______________________________________________ No banners. No pop-ups. No kidding. Introducing My Way -