At Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 06:59:18 Pat wrote: >I mean no offense to you or you wife, but what you relayed here illustates >to me THE reason that music/radio sucks so badly and is so incredibly stale >these days. I'm not giving a nod to the Darkness, I'm just saying that >because so few are willing to listen to things that aren't completely >familiar to them or music that doesn't take them back to their >programming has become mundane/same old/same old. For my money, this is why >a lot of Audities-type music has never hit the radio. Most people just >wouldn't give it a chance and would instantly spin the dial to find >something familiar. > >Stairway to Heaven, anyone? > >Pat Pat, I don't know if you saw my response on the Audities list, but my wife's fave bands are hard it's not like the guitar parts of The Darkness wouldn't turn her crank...but, again, she couldn't get past the singing. She's into a LOT of new music...Nickelback, Finger Eleven, The Trews, Train, etc. There's no nostalgia here. The comment about Phil Collins was equivalent to her sawing her own arm off before ever listening to that particular Darkness song again. And just so you wife and I have pretty polar tastes in music -- and yet, we both had the same reaction to this song/act. Jaimie _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.