Just in case any of you were wondering, my original post was not a dig at Americans being rednecks or anything like that. I've been to a few gigs in the States and I am sure I punch the air and "Woo-Hoo" as much as anyone when watching some bands (eg The Shazam) ;-) I like the upfront nature of many Americans I've met, like when I was walking down a street in Chicago and some passing guy goes "Cool jacket man, could I buy it off ya?". Or when someone I've just met at a gig invites me to a party. That kind of thing just doesn't happen over here in Scotland (well not where I live anyway). In fact when I go anywhere abroad, I love to spot all the cultural differences, try the local food etc. It amazes me when Brits go abroad on holiday and seek out "British" or "English" restaurants and pubs, where they can eat "British" food and drink "British" beer with other "British" people. Mad. Vive la difference, says me! B^) np - Boss Martians - The Set Up