You're not wrong on this one. Mark >From: "Jaimie Vernon" >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: Americans Just Don't Get It... >Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 21:31:03 -0500 > >AT Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 14:37:39 Brian Curtis wrote: > >>That said, I think that the powers that be are about to push The Darkness >>on >>the American public and it will be fun to see how the current crop of >>teenage "wiggers" and shoegazers react to the "awesome onslaught" that is >>The Darkness. (Tongue firmly planted in cheek.) > >I think America, and Canada by default, are not warming up to the Darkness >because they....well...blow. Put as much retro guitar/glam flashback or >Spinal Tapian logic on it you want, but the bottom line is the singing >kills it. Same reason our very own Tragically Hip have never caught on in >the US...who the hell wants to listen to an album (and in the Hip's case -- >8 albums) of some guy attempting to find the key of the song. The band >might rock, but listening to a cat get skinned alive for 45 minutes leads >to a certain disenfranchisement. > >Of course, I've been wrong before (White Stripes anyone?) > >Jaimie Vernon, >Bullseye > >_________________________________________________________________ >STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* > > _________________________________________________________________ What are the 5 hot job markets for 2004? Click here to find out.