I've had good experiences with this place, though it seems out of stock, it's the only place Jim links to from his site. http://www.maplemusic.com Here is an Ottawa store that would do mail order over the phone or by email. He is a very nice guy, and supports his local scene so he will probably have it. http://birdmansound.com The new one is very good, maybe a little more produced, little more laid back. Some of the edge taken off the guitars. Kinda like old vs. new Jayhawks, with a touch of Rhett Miller bounce on some tracks. Extra trivia - Jim Played on the Kathleen Edwards album 'Failer' that did very well the last couple of years, and he used to be in Punchbuggy - a decent mid-nineties pop/punk outfit from Ottawa. I would recommend Cash Brothers as well for the same feel, quality writing and playing.. Lee NP: John Boswell