I just wanted to go on the record as saying that this pure bred, pant wearin', macho borracho totally gets the Darkness...and I am a freakin Yank! over xmas me and my heavy metal brother listened to the cd..we both had big smiles on our faces cause we remembered the glory days of 70s metal..we heard Thin Lizzy and Queen in that sound..and that is a great starting point for any band The Darkness cd made me go and investigate all those old Iron Maiden cds I use to hear in the record store..I know love songs about dinosaurs..I did not then Oh, by the way..to all my Brit trash friends on this list...Fulham is the team to beat in the EPL..with two..count them..two Yanks abroad..Go Cottagers! two fingers in the air to all the other London clubs.. i am out