Those three albums are in the 'To Be Digitized' queue here @ Casa m. Three that have made many a digital wishlist on my part. Don't have their 4th and final and only CBS release, think that came out in 77, any word on that ...any good? As the three A&M pieces are excellent, solid and quite listenable to this day. Never heard the High Society stuff either, JF, Richard Hudson, Terry Cassidy, Brian Willoughby and a few others, think that came out around 96/7. Man, I'd love to have been able to see that Hudson/Ford era Strawbs all time perennial fave of mine ... electric Strawbs hitting the road this summer, should prove being somewhat special as the Cousins/Lambert/Willoughby acoustic Strawbs shows were highlights of my 2003 concert goings. Just saw fellow Long Island resident, John Ford about a month ago. He plays in acoustic and electric/full band guise around these parts, occasionally, and is quite entertaining. He's also been known to sit in w/another fellow L.I. resident, Ritchie Blackmore ...either in his hokey Blackmore's Knight(k-night or n-night ...hokey) renaissancey/shlocky format or just he and JF and/or any other configuration of players in amplified/non amplified format. Anyway ...enough babble's John Ford's web site, the guy still looks like John Ford, eh ;-) -- Mark --- In, Marty Rudnick wrote: > Yo yo yo, > > Anybody have knowledge of (ex-Strawbs) Hudson & Ford catalog available on CD? Who inherited the A&M catalog when they went under? > > Peace out, > > Marty Unfortunately none of the Hudson-Ford albums are on CD, but they've been on my wish list for a long time as well. I would imagine Universal owns the rights to them these days, and they'd be a great candidate for release on Universal Japan, or perhaps Repertoire. -- Pop rules!!!!! Take Care, David ===== Sleep Well ~ Don't Burst __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool. Try it!