millions of mike viola fans agree: Blue Thumb was best. i don't know why that is, i think there's something unfussy about the production, as if the songs were recorded before the band had a chance to overthink them. other mike fans and i have often opined that the best mike album would be one recorded live of just mike and his guitar. also, here's a quick plug from me: everyone should pick up john vanderslice's "cellar door." track 7 & especially track 9 are terrific. andrea On Thu, 22 Jan 2004, Kevin Gandel wrote: > > two quick comments. > > Having just discovered the Helicopter Helicopter album, I'm quite > disappointed I didn't include it in my top10 for '03. its quite juicy! > > Also, while I'm enjoying the latest Candybutchers album, am I the only > one that still feels Mike's best work is his first unreleased album on > Blue Thumb? > > new albums spinning on the IPOD: Helicopter Helicopter, Owsley, > Splitsville, Pernice Brothers, Water, New Pornographers, Joe Jackson, 4 > way street, Candybutchers, Jayhawks, Jet, Mike Shupp, Judd & Maggie, > Phantom Planet > > -kev > > _________________ > Kevin Gandel > Computer Consultant > Oddsman Ink > >