I agree with you. I think the last two Candy Butcher records (last one and this new one) SUCK. That's why there's hardly any press for this one. It's so depressing, since Live at Bonbonaire is one of my favorite cds to sing along to. Evan http://www.evansilverman.com/images/flyers/ib_recordreleaseflyer.jpg Record Release Party! <<< To: "Audities" Also, while I'm enjoying the latest Candybutchers album, am I the only one that still feels Mike's best work is his first unreleased album on Blue Thumb?>> I agree - the Blue Thumb CD along with the Live At Bonbonaire (sp?) EP are in my mind the best Candy Butchers stuff out there. Put them together on one CDR and you have one heckuva great listen.