At 04:19 PM 1/27/2004 -0500, Josh Chasin wrote: >Anyway, I just talked to my friend John, who was my guitar teacher for 10 >years (which means, among other things, the man has the patience of a >saint.) He is black and a blues player mainly, which I mention only in the >context that I'd have thought he'd have the same contempt for bands like >Flock that I do. But he was raving about the guitar player, said he got >that "Edge-like" sound before the Edge had popularized it, that back in the >day he was really impressed with the guy. So go figure. Frankly, I think Paul Reynolds kicked the Edge's ass as a guitarist: not only was he doing that sound, he was doing it *better*, with more variety, more subtlety and a much wider range of rhythms and timbres, and had he been in a beter band than A Flock of Seagulls (where he was the only thing keeping them from being third-stringers), he would be lionized today. And, let's not forget, he was like 18 at the time. S