----- Original Message ----- From: "Stewart Mason" > There was a brief shot of a set list during the Flock of Seagulls show and > it had five songs on it: "I Ran," "Space Age Love Song," "Wishing," "The > More You Live The More You Love" and "Telecommunication." It being TV, > they probably did that set two or three times for coverage. I didn't see this one, and frankly have been assuming the "joke" of the series was to reunite bands that were basically lame '80s bands; I told my brother that Kajagoogoo would be next as a JOKE, and damn, there they were. I'm waiting for Men Without Hats. Or did they do that one already... Anyway, I just talked to my friend John, who was my guitar teacher for 10 years (which means, among other things, the man has the patience of a saint.) He is black and a blues player mainly, which I mention only in the context that I'd have thought he'd have the same contempt for bands like Flock that I do. But he was raving about the guitar player, said he got that "Edge-like" sound before the Edge had popularized it, that back in the day he was really impressed with the guy. So go figure.