funny you should bring up Bush saying "nucular"...I think it was CNN that did a little bit on that once and I remember Clinton had always said "nucular". Jimmy Carter, a nuclear physicist in addition to an ex prez, also said "nucular" although it was more of a "nuwkeeuh" has done a piece on this and pointed out that Pres. Eisenhower also said "nucular" and that the Merriam-Webster lists "nucular" as an alternative pronunciation used in "educated speech". check it out: what do they all have in common...besides being American presidents.. they're all from the south... Ike and Bush were born in Texas...Clinton's from Arkansas and Jimmy's a GA boy...not sure if that explains it. - Colin > > I always find it interesing to watch this and pay careful attention to > American politics but I find it very curious how you Americans pick a > president. > > In his speech, Bush, as he has repeatedly done after 9/11, once again used > the word "nucular" to refer to "nuclear"(the splitting of the nucleus of an > atom) .I know that one of the universities in the U.S. has analysed his > talking and has said Bush speaks at a grade 6 level but what I find most > amusing is why has nobody around him has suggested brushing up on English > and science and getting more educated. I'm not saying he is a terrible > president but he seems to be very isolated one. > > > Mike V. > > > > ------------------------------ >