on 1/23/04 3:16 PM, Franke, Dan at DFranke@proficientdata.com wrote: >>> On the other hand, I got the new Honeydogs in the mail from United > Musicians, and it's my early pick for Best Album of 2004. > Fan-frickin'-tastic.<< Is this "10,000 years you are talking about? If so, I couldn't agree more. What a great band. Mike V. > > This reminds me...I saw them a few months ago & picked up their new disc. > I'm now fairly sure that I've misplaced it post-show or it's lost in a "to > listen to" pile. > > Must find this weekend. I bet the shrinkwrap is still on it. > Dan > > ****************************CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT*********************** > > > E-MAIL AND/OR ITS ATTACHMENT(S) IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE > INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT > MAY BE CONFIDENTIAL, PROPRIETARY AND PRIVILEGED. IF YOU ARE NOT THE > INTENDED RECIPIENT OF THIS E-MAIL, OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING IT TO > THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISCLOSURE, > DISSEMINATION OR COPYING OF THE CONTENT OF THIS E-MAIL IS STRICTLY > PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS E-MAIL IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY > NOTIFY THE SENDER AND DELETE THIS E-MAIL FROM YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM.