Big time West Coast concert promotion plug here.... We're hosting our first ever "living room" show with Walter Clevenger & the Dairy Kings, yup all of 'em, on Saturday Jan 31, 7ish pm. We're asking for a $5 donation per head so they can get some gas back to Orange Co. and won't have to move in for good. If any Auditeers near Olympia, WA want to come, e-mail me off list and I'll send you the details. Or check your local Wal-Mart or Best Buy for tickets. They're also playing Salem, Oregon with Phamous Phaces the night before (30th), and are doing an in-store at Music Millenium in Portland on Sat afternoon before heading up here. They will also play in Seattle Sunday Feb 1. Specifics at Good grungeless music culture in Olympia, whudda thunk? Bob