Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 22:23:03 -0600 From: Brian Curtis To: Subject: Rusty Anderson Message-ID: On Thu, 22 Jan 2004, Brian Curtis wrote: >>I have to bring this disc up as I've not seen it mentioned on the list. Rusty Anderson (current sideman to Macca) has a solo disc called "Undressing Underwater," and it is OUTSTANDING. Approximately half of the songs are co-writes with Parthenon Huxley, but the whole thing is just exquisite pop. Paul and the rest of the band guest on the opening tune, but otherwise it's Rusty and a few helping hands... Musically, I would easily "lump" (not the word I really want) this in with the solo work of Jason Falkner or Jon Brion - quite similar in nature. Essentially "long time sideman shows he has the goods" kind of package. Run, do not walk, to acquire this beast.<< Brian: Thanks for the tip. I've listened to some clips on-line--including the wonderful "Hurt Myself," the track on which McCartney and band appear--loved what I heard, and ordered UNDRESSING UNDERWATER immediately. Anderson sounds like the real deal as a solo artist; not that surprising, really, when you consider the people he's collaborated with to this point. Worth noting, I think, that P Hux also co-produced this album (along with Anderson and David Kahne), and that Stewart Copeland--with whom Anderson played in Animal Logic--showed up to drum on one track. Premature, perhaps, based on a few song snippets, but I wouldn't be surprised if this 12/17/2003 release sneaks on to some Auditeers' 2004 Top 20s. Chuck Limmer n.p. "Slang Of Ages," Steely Dan, EVERYTHING MUST GO