Those guys were another band you had to experience live to really appreciate their ...erm ...majesty? Get down front and brave the flyin' folicles from the chicks doin' their best Steven style hair flips ...on a *good* night Jeff and Steven would punch it up along the lines of a old skool Davies bros slugfest ...reboot, kiss and make up or whatever and resume a most awesome show. They'd lay some of the best covers on ya night Jeff dedicated "I Don't Know How To Love Him" to his "new boyfriend", Jesus Christ ... a definate "hmmmmmn" moment! I saw them a bunch of times, various incarnations and mind sets and it's safe to say every damned show was as close to a GODHEAD experience as *I* ever got ...anyway, am eagerly awaiting their proposed new recording ...polished pastey-pop or sleazoid psycho-garagica ...fine by me. m ===== Sleep Well ~ Don't Burst __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Hotjobs: Enter the "Signing Bonus" Sweepstakes