Mr. Nicholson is correct - Naked uses it a lot. In particular the close harmony work on Two Of Us is now mechanically perfect (and pretty devoid of soul also). I use it too. It's strange though - sometimes, after correcting an offending note, it doesn't sound as good as the original out of tune part. I used it to fix some flat slide guitar last week - mayber I have a career waiting in Nashville. Bob > Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 00:09:11 -0500 > From: Mike > To: > Subject: Re: the protools debate > Message-ID: > > Actually it's never really just ProTools. It's Antares Autotune. This > device comes as either a rackmount unit or as a plug-in. It can be > used in ProTools, Logic, Soundforge, Digital Performer and a mess of > other DAW formats. ProTools, for some reason, is seen as the industry > standard. The rackmount standalone unit can be used in any recording > format. > > Let It Be... Naked is a prime example of Autotune in use. Cher's > "Believe" is Autotune gone way crazy wrong. > > I use it all the time - for good and evil. Mostly on MOR R&B stuff or > on someone who, let's face it, ain't gonna sing it any better. It's > actually quite hard to use and make it sound natural and few folks > can do it tranparently. I sure as heck ain't no expert on it. I > generally just correct the offending passage or even single note and > almost never run it continuously on a vocal track for a mixdown. It > works wonders on drunk fiddle players and fretless bass. > --