I'm doublechecking everything, and have accounted for a few ballots that were amended. I think I have the final totals. I'll put the list together tomorrow night. (NOTE: Next year, I will institute one new rule -- you only get 24 hours to alter a ballot. I try to tally the ballots within 24 to 48 hours, and it's tough to have to go back and fix everything. Of course, I know that those who made the changes did so because they did not want to overlook a record they really dug, but next year, everyone will have to make sure that the top 20 they submit is the one they're happy with). Mike Bennett NP: ANTHOLOGY -- Diana Ross and The Supremes (weird hearing the early tracks, where Diana didn't take every lead -- she certainly wasn't the best voice, but by far the most distinctive) Record reviews and more at http://fufkin.com _________________________________________________________________ Find high-speed ‘net deals — comparison-shop your local providers here. https://broadband.msn.com