Here's my contribution to the annual poll: Top 29 CDs: (yeah, I know only the top 20 count, but I included more because they're all really good, and also because the exact order in which numbers 16-29 fall tends to change a lot from day to day...the order I have them in for polling purposes is the order in which they seem to fall most often over the past month or so)... 1) The Bangles-Doll Revolution 2) Badger-C'mon Girls! 3) The Rhinos - Year of the Rhinos 4) The Singles - Better than Before 5) Boss Martians - The Set Up 6) The Effection - Soundtrack to a Moment 7) Fountains of Wayne - Welcome Interstate Managers 8) The Contrast - Wireless Days 9) Maple Mars - Circular Haze 10) The Gurus - All the Children Sing By (8 song 2003 self released version. It's my understanding that the twice as many song Rainbow Quartz version is not yet released, even though a few people on this list -sadly, not including me - have managed to get their hands on it in December. If the new songs are as good as the current ones, I'm guessing the Rainbow Quartz version may rank even higher on my list of top CDs for 2004!) 11) Jet - Get Born 12) The Syrups - s/t 13) The Waking Hours - The Good Way (If this CD had finished as strong as it started, it probably would have ended up higher on the list! I've heard rumors there's a new CD planned for 2004, and that some of the new songs are even better than some of the best ones on this CD...anyone know if there's truth to this rumor?) 14) Rooney - s/t 15) Neil Traynor - August Sun 16) Snow Dogs - Deep Cuts, Fast Remedies (This CD is also the winner of the "don't judge a CD by it's cover art" award. If you only check out CDs that have been recommended by a friend, or after you hear the band play live, or if the cover art "looks pop", you're missing out! It only takes a few seconds to check out a song from whatever happens to be in the listening booth...if you don't like the first 60 seconds, move on; if you do, check out another song, and another, and another...there's some great music out there waiting to be discovered, like I bumped into this one! By the way, have any of you noticed that more and more of the CDs placed in listening booths have stickers on them or signs next to them that use the *p-word* to describe them? I guess the industry finally figured out that if they say something is "pop" people will know it's good, and it will actually sell!) 17) Stereo 360 - Enjoy Your Life Poolside 18) Steadman - Revive 19) Mr. Encrypto - Secret Identity Crisis 20) The Sounds - Living in America 21) Peachfuzz - About a Bird 22) Chris von Sneidern - The Wild Horse 23) The Thrills - Too Much for the City (If the latter half of this CD was not all slow draggy songs, it would have probably ended up higher on the list) 24) Useless ID - No Vacation from the World 25) The Color Bars - Making Playthings 26) Gigolo Aunts - Pacific Ocean Blues 27) The Kennedys - Stand 28) Lucy Woodward - While You Can (I don't recall anyone on this list mentioning this one's kind of like Sheryl Crow with just a touch of the young/pre-constant-scandal Britney may sound a bit weird, but it actually works!) 29) Wendy Ip - A Different Kind of Life A few more (in no particular order) that probably would have ended up somewhere in the top 29 if I'd gotten them yet: Jupiter Affect Walter Clevenger and the Dairy Kings Spymob Farrah (which will probably be on my list of top CDs for 2004 if it's anything like their last CD....hopefully it will be released or at least easier to find in the US in 2004, and therefore qualified!Mike, any early ruling on this?) Top 7 songs of 2003: 1) Fountains of Wayne - Bright Future in Sales 2) Mr. Encrypto - Rock and Roll is Killing Me 3) Snow Dogs - Popstar (Love this) 4) Wendy Ip - What's Normal anyway? 5) Roscoe Project - Bipolar 6) The Gurus - It's Only Love 7) Lisa Mychols - Rocket to Mars (A really cute song, and as it turns out based on Pres. Bush's speech today, timely! Is there something Lisa knew before the rest of us? Hmmm....I wonder....) anyway, that's my list(s) for this year! thanks to everyone who is posting their list to audities and giving me all kinds of cool ideas of CDs I don't have that I probably need to check out! -shosh __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Hotjobs: Enter the "Signing Bonus" Sweepstakes