> everything I keep hearing about Splitsville/GW seems to be proclaiming that they're the best power-pop band of the past decade, especially for people like me who tend to like the FOW/Owsley "bolder" sounding stuff, as opposed to the more Byrds/Beach Boys-influenced jangle. As Stewart wrote, Splitsville explores a variety of musical styles, and for my money they're the most interesting and enjoyable band I've heard in the past decade or so. > It seems that I should especially check out this "Repeater" album, and it seems to explore some lyrical themes I appreciate (the monotony of the daily grind, working in menial jobs.. things I can relate to and have a laugh about, because a sense of humor is good in life). Now, it's only out of print, of course, but it's fairly readily available anyway... should I get it? If those themes interest you, I'd say you'll definitely enjoy this album. The music is varied, and there are several great tunes on here. I especially dig "Downsizing" and "Dotcom." > Your homework assignment is to write me a persuasive essay, in as many words as you wish to use, on why I'm an idiot and should've bought this album 5 years ago before Big Deal folded. Feel free to be as bold as possible; extra points awarded to those who convince me to buy more Splitsville/GW albums other than just "Repeater". I don't have time right now to elaborate more than I've written, but I'd suggest you get Repeater ASAP and then seek out Ultrasound (their 2nd album), which also has some great songs (Yearbook, Kids Who Kill For Sugar, Ponce de Leon, and more). If you like what you hear, you should definitely get The Complete Pet Soul, which is perhaps my favorite album of the past several years. It shows the band wearing their influences on their sleeves, but this is *not* a '60s cover band at work. The songs on this album are among their best (esp. "Love Songs of B. Douglas Wilson," "Forever" and "Aliceanna"), and I think the arrangements and production are just incredible. A true classic. And please note that I've already voted for Incorporated as my favorite album of '03... Be seeing you, Bill ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!