>The music is the heart of the songs, isn't it? Down with lyrics, music to >the power!! Javier and I (and Carol too) have had this discussion many times in the past, and I couldn't disagree more! I think the weakest thing about many pop bands these days is their lyrics. True, a good melody is important, but a good lyric can make a good song into a great song, and a bad lyric can really drag down even a good melody. For example, Javier, you have to admit that some really good Spanish power pop bands have cringe-inducing lyrics when they sing in English. And I think it hurts the songs. I honestly think that part of the reason critics consider pop to be so inconsequential is because a lot of the time the lyrical content is so lightweight. But, hey I'm a lyric guy, and that's why some of my favorites are Costello, Dylan, Davies, etc. Not that there's anything wrong with She Loves You! ;) Seth