Maybe I'm just weird. Because the Christian artists whose music I regularly enjoy (the Elms, PFR, Jars of Clay, Phil Keaggy) present such enjoyable music that I really don't think about the lyrics all that much. This may well annoy those artists to hear that, given that they no doubt take great pride in their lyrics and the content contained therein, particularly those specifically relating to their religious beliefs; I mean, if they did, they wouldn't readily wear the badge of being CCR, would they? But even with a song like, say, the Elms' "Real Men Cry," which is probably the most directly Christian of their songs, with lyrics like, "Jesus, the man of all men, the only one who makes hearts whole again," while my SECOND thought might've been, "Say, that's pretty darned in-your-face with the religiousness," my FIRST thought was, "Wow, this could just about pass for a Ben Folds Five song!" And by the end of the song, I still found myself much more concerned about how it sounded than what it said...