Brother Bruce wrote (and wrote and wrote, so I cut n paste here): ... If one is going to get worked about about CCM artists, well also get worked up about the other negative aspects of what's being digested and distributed out in the music world and run counter-productive to building a more peaceful culture and society, too. Take or leave it, of course---I respect the right of those who leave it....but, *for me*, to reject a lot of good music because of such lyrical contents just perplexes me as I'm always looking for the next great song or band around every corner and don't like limiting myself because an artists' beliefs are different than my own ... _________________________________________________________ Well good GOD man, are you finished? I thought I was the only one who types off the top of his head until his fingers are exhausted. Where's the Editor? Where's Bruce's masseuse? Ya know, if he had two they'd be Bruce's Masseuses. If they weren't very accomplished they'd be Bruce's Useless Masseuses. I am NOT stoned. (but it may be in my near future) Jeff T. delaware NP: Jesus Is Just Alright - (doobie bro's) P.S. Dave Mathews (boo! ) and Emmylou Harris on CMT's "Crossroads" program tomorrow night at 9:00 Eastern. Not your average television, if nothing else.