While I'd agree with Stewart's characterization of PHASESHIFTER and SHOW WORLD as more "normal" than their earlier punkier and psych-ier sides, I wouldn't fully agree with his qualitative assessment. Befitting its title, PHASESHIFTER is definitely a transition, as Redd Kross moved into straight ahead power pop territory. I don't think the songwriting on that album is as consistent as the brilliant THIRD EYE or the fine NEUROTICA. However, on SHOW WORLD, everything came together, IMO, and I think that the album is one of the best power pop records of the '90s. Regardless on one's opinion on any of their records, they are a band for whom each record is pretty distinctive, and it's possible to like one of their records and not like anything else that much. Mike Bennett Record reviews and more at http://fufkin.com >From: Stewart Mason >At 01:27 PM 1/14/2004 -0800, Hersh Forman wrote: > >Redd Kross (I bought “Phaseshifter” from the used CD > >store. Is this dreck representative of their > >catalogue?) > >Actually, no, it's not. It and SHOW WORLD are both weak albums that sound >to me like they're trying to be much more "normal" than they ever really >were. The earlier run, from the punky BORN INNOCENT (and the earlier EP) >to the psych-poppy career high points NEUROTICA and THIRD EYE, is the real >Redd Kross. > >S > > > > _________________________________________________________________ Scope out the new MSN Plus Internet Software — optimizes dial-up to the max! http://join.msn.com/?pgmarket=en-us&page=byoa/plus&ST=1