I agree. A lot. I've rather liked his choices, music-wise....but I am an absolute jelly-knee'd fool for the mixture of sounds herein..., while others ply the genre singularly it's Terry's take on the genre which makes for a potent admixture. (To these ears.) Thanks, I feel welcomed...... --- In audities@yahoogroups.com, wrote: > Welcome, Valis... > > > 16. Terry Hall & Mushtaq - Hour of Two Lights > > Excellent choice. This is one of those albums that took quite a few listens to really grab hold of me, but, once it did, I fell in love with it. Going in with the mindset that everything Terry Hall does is going to sound like his last two solo albums, as I unconsciously did, is going to result in tremendous disappointment...but going in with an open mind, you'll find a really strong album that blends musical cultures and styles into something rather unique.