Its funny how everyone mentions file sharing as the the death of CDs and record stores, but rarely are games and DVDs cited (which when added to total discretionary entertainment purchases in the college age crowd....) Bob Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 22:29:35 -0500 From: "Mark Eichelberger" > To: "Audities" > I just thought I would pass on the news, particularly to those Audites members in the Philadelphia Metro area, that Plastic Fantastic, the new/used vinyl/CD store in Ardmore, PA, is closing its doors after 28 years in the business Harold Gold, the owner, claims that the Internet and file sharing have driven away much of his college student customer crowd. Mark Eichelberger "Our lease is up and we just decided not to renew it," says Gold, adding that the college student customer--long a staple of his business--has dried up with the rise of Internet file-sharing.