1) FOW - Welcome Interstate Managers My kids' favorite - at least until the new Rosenbergs CD comes out 2) New Pornographers - The Electric Version 3) The Trolleyvox - Leap of Folly Despite a previous comment, Beth's voice is amazing - frosting on top of Andrew's songs 4) IKE - Parallel Universe 5) Splitsville - Incorporated 6) Copperpot - Copperpot 7) Mark Bacino - Million Dollar Milkshake 8) The Pills - A Fistfull Of Pills 9) The Villas - Set For Life 10) The High Dials - A New Devotion 11) OK GO - OK GO 12) Kelly's Heels - Three Chord Bias 13) The Blakes - New Tattoo 14) Dressy Bessy - Dressy Bessy 15) Myracle Brah - Treblemaker 16) Cherry Blossom Clinic - 17) Maple Mars - Circular Haze 18) Crash into June - Another Vivid Scene Ira