At 08:59 PM 1/4/2004 -0600, Michael Bennett wrote: >It still happens today (Nelly Furtado is an example), but it's so rare. >This isn't to diminish the Andre disc (not to slight Big Boi's disc -- it's >very good, but it's accomplishment is more lyrical/thematic -- the music >tracks are more straightforward) -- but I don't know if it's so much >groundbreaking as liberating -- maybe others will realize you can experiment >and have fun while doing it. I don't know if Jason was saying that the OutKast album is groundbreaking, just that it's important, and for the very reason that you say: it's proof that you can have a huge commercial success (it hit number 1 for the third or fourth time last week -- it just keeps bouncing back up there after it drops down to #5 or so!) while making a deliberately, almost willfully eclectic and wide-ranging album that, frankly, has got some downright weird shit on it. It's not exactly groundbreaking -- the review I wrote compared it favorably to Prince's classic DIRTY MIND/LOVESEXY run, only even more out there -- but it's so rare to see such a genuinely exciting album at #1 that it's easy to get giddy. By the way, I like Nelly Furtado's "Powerless (Say What You Want)" so much that I'm considering forgiving her for that frickin' "I'm Like A Bird" thing. Is the rest of the album any good? S NP: CASTAWAYS AND CUTOUTS -- The Decemberists (speaking of being late to the bandwagon...)