In a message dated 1/4/2004 7:02:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: <> Two replies: 1) Billy, you'll be really happy to know that the nu-metal stuff was popular only with a segment of the population, the same types who listened to Poison and Motley Crue in the '80s, NOT the crowd who was ever into our stuff. And yes, its popularity has been waning (at least in the Northeast) 2) I thought the SAME THING about that Darkness song when I heard it!! It's VERY bouncy-Cure, if not a blatant rewrite of "Friday I'm In Love". Also, as a more general reply to many... if you haven't heard OutKast's "Speakerboxx/The Love Below" then you honestly don't know what you're missing. If you harbor deep seated hatred and fear of hip-hop in general, then it won't change your mind, but it's one of the most kaleidoscopic, fun, and forward-looking albums I've heard in a long while. There's a little of everything (and on Andre's disc in particular there are some shades of power-pop, jazz, funk, and rock). I haven't yet decided whether or not it'll be in my personal top 10 for the year or not, but it is undoubtedly the most *important* record--artistically, commercially, and culturally--released this year. Consider that only 12 months ago the same distinction was bestowed upon a violent homophobe who scored the biggest single of the year with a revamped "Eye of the Tiger" and it's obvious we've come a long way in a short time. --Jason