A big THANK YOU! to whoever it was that recommended a trip to EBay for the Queen Jewels -- a box set (and I do mean box) of or remastered CDs of the first 8 Queen LPs, complete with album-like packaging and a companion booklet -- all for the low low price of $35 plus S/H. I've been searching some time for the Sheer Heart Attack LP (one of my all time favorites) on CD, so to find all of the early (and best) stuff in one place for a great price was just plain lovely. My Xmas gift to myself this year. And if anyone is interested, I believe they have more available - or they did 2 days ago at least. Just go to Ebay and search for Queen Jewels. By the way, Sheer Heart Attack is one of my very favorite types of LP -- a BIG variety of styles, but written and performed cohesively, and you never doubt for a minute who the artist is. With tons of character, and chops. See: mid to late period Beatles, early seventies Bowie, Imperial Bedroom era Costello, most of the XTC catalog, etc, etc,,,,