Just a reminder that there are 9 days left, until January 16, 2004 (11:59 p.m. CST) to get in your vote to the Top 20 poll. You can send it to the list, or to me, or to both. Rank them -- 1 through 20, or, less, if you don't have 20. Here's where things are after 70 ballots have been counted: 1. Fountains Of Wayne 2. Rooney 3. Matthew Sweet 4. Bleu 5. The New Pornographers 6. Pernice Brothers 7. The Jayhawks 8. Jet 9. The Thorns 10. Splitsville 11. The White Stripes 12. The Thrills Outkast 14. IKE 15. Chris Von Sneidern Postal Service 17. Maple Mars 18. Ted Leo/Pharmacists 19. The High Dials 20. Sparks Please vote -- a lot of stuff is very close (and there's a large list bubbling below # 20) Mike Bennett Record reviews and more at http://fufkin.com _________________________________________________________________ Working moms: Find helpful tips here on managing kids, home, work — and yourself. http://special.msn.com/msnbc/workingmom.armx