Has anyone else heard of a based band called The Smile? I just learned about them today, and they released a 2003 CD on Cribsong Music (Stevenson Ranch, CA) called "Brighton Pier." I was excited to learn about this band, which consists of Ron Vail, Ken Bussiere, and Dave Ferrara, all of whom lived in the Allentown/Bethlehem area. It seems that Ron lives on the west coast now. Back in the '80s, Ron (guitar, vocals) and Ken (bass) played in St. John's Alliance, a Mersey-styled band. They did an incredible version of The Zombies' "Leave Me Be." Later, Ken and Dave (drums) played in The Original Sins, one of the best (and most underrated) garage-pop groups of the late '80s, along with Dan McKinney (keyboards), who engineered and played on The Smile CD. Ron, Ken & Dave also played together in Peter Noone's backup band, which currently includes Vance Brescia (formerly of The Mosquitos). There are 3 "pleasant" music samples on the band's website (http://www.thesmile.net) and I'm going to order the CD to hear more. Ron has a wonderful voice, and these guys really know their stuff. Just curious if anyone has heard their album, or knows if they are still active (the website hasn't been updated in months). Thanks! Be seeing you, Bill ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!