The January 2004 page is up. This month we have the following record reviews: Mike Bennett presents full length reviews of the newest releases from John Cale, Splitsville, The Goldstars, The Fall and Poster Children. Mike also has capsule reviews of The Volebeats, Duvall, The Minders, Myracle Brah, The Go, The Wannadies, The Richies, Young And Sexy, Penny Ikinger, The New Normal, Tiger Lou, The Changes and a bunch of indie artists on the compilation called Compulation. Gary Glauber reviews the latest from The Shut Ups, Owsley, Candy Butchers and Field Trip. This month, looks back at the best of 2003. Kurt Hernon crowns the Man of the Year. Michael Lynch marks an incredibly important 40th anniversary – something to do with some Liverpool quartet with mop top haircuts. No look back at 2003 would be complete without a bushel of best ofs from Fufkin writers. Here’s who checks in with their top picks for the last year. Mike Bennett Gary Glauber Kurt Hernon Nick A. Zaino III Bill Klutho Eric Sorensen John Borack Kevin Mathews David Fufkin And Gary Pig Gold looks at some 2003 releases you may have missed and will want to catch up to, while Kurt Sampsel runs down the best garage and psychedelic reissues of last year. Thanks to everyone who visited in 2003. We will continue to talk about the best music we hear and hope you come back and visit again. Record reviews and more at _________________________________________________________________ Check your PC for viruses with the FREE McAfee online computer scan.