unsurprisingly, my best of the year reads reads like this...... 1. The Darkness - "Permission to Land" - not pop by any stretch, but fun and hooky and goofy and Spinal Tap and unpretentious and great....... 2. Captain Soul - "Jetstream Lovers" - Looking for Love, Captain of your Soul and Show Me A Way are PERFECT 2. Cosmic Rough Riders - "Too Close to See Far" 3. Steadman 4. Bleu 5. Hollies UK box 6. Scott Walker UK box 7. IKE - Parallel Universe - ROCKED at IPO here in Boston 8. The Gurus - new one on Rainbow Quartz 9. Thrills - "So Much For The City" - they even have a a guy with my last name in the band!!! 10. Romantics - "61/49" - awesome return..... Best to all for the new year, especially new friends I made at IPO Boston!!!!!!!!!!!. Jim Horan