From: "Has Eva Cassidy been discussed here? I asked Santa to select one her discs for me. Santa selected Songbird which is a compilation of sorts. My God, what an instrument this lady had. I had no background or exposure. I had heard about her being an influence on such and such, but I had no idea what I was in store for. I feel certain that I will go out and get here entire catalogue and obsess over it. Such a shame that she passed on so quickly. The songbird disc completely trashed me. I was listening to it at work on headphones. The final cut is Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Now I am a bit jaded about this song because it has been done to death and couldn't imagine another take on it. By the time it was finished, tears were welling in my eyes and I didn't want to let my co-workers see me breakdown....." Wow, this is the second time this week I've heard this same response from the same performance (Eva's version of "Under The Rainbow".) I'm thinking I should check out her stuff. For those in the know, where's a good place to start (sounds like this SONGBIRD might be it,) and how would you describe her style? Have a safe & happy New Year y'all! I'm spending it with my in-laws. -Jeff Brenneman NP: The Steppes - Gods, Men & Ghosts