I'm one of those folks who no longer buys a lot of new music as soon as it's released. I probably aquired 150+ cds this year, but all but about 15 of them were released before 2003. I usually look to the Audities best of list each year to help me decide what releases from the past year to pickup in the coming year. That said, here are the five 2003 cds that I really enjoyed: 1. Welcome Interstate Managers - Fountains of Wayne 2. Rainy Day Music - The Jayhawks 3. Coverage - Mandy Moore 4. Doll Revolution - The Bangles 5. Incorporated - Splitsville I also listened to and liked the 2003 releases by Damone, Rooney, Bleu, and Fleetwood Mac -- but not enough to vote them into a top ten list.